NetSupport Radio

Insights with NetSupport: Jack Roehrig - Data Protection

December 15, 2022 NetSupport

In this episode of Insights with NetSupport, we welcome Jack Roehrig (@sirjackery), Tenured GRC CSO+, International Privacy Expert, and UPTYCS Evangelist, to speak about everything 'Data Protection'.

Hear Jack's answers to the following questions:

-For our audience, can you provide a quick overview of your background in data security and why you’re passionate about it?
-In the US you have FERPA/COPPA… what impact do these regulations have on schools/edtech vendors? Do you think they do enough?
-What would be your top tips for vendors working in the education sector?
- Looking to the future, would you say the US is going to follow in the footsteps of Europe and go further with its data privacy laws?