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Insights with NetSupport - ISTE 2024 edition: Engaging students with video creation with Josh Stock
Maggie is joined by Josh Stock, a middle school English teacher from Santa Fe Middle School at ISTE 2024.
Josh and Maggie talks about the benefits of using video creation in the classroom and give teachers some tips on how to get started. Here are some key points:
Benefits of video creation:
- Students are more engaged when they are creating something.
- Video creation helps students see the practical application of what they are learning in English class.
- Students can develop new skills, such as scriptwriting, filming, and editing.
Tips for getting started:
- Start with a small project, such as having students create a video to accompany an essay they have written.
- Find a video production tool that is easy to use and that all of the teachers in your school can agree on.
- Work together as a team to create videos. This will allow you to break up the work and allow teachers to play to their strengths.
- Let students use the devices they already have to record videos.
- Encourage students to help each other out. There will likely be some students who are already familiar with video creation and can help their classmates.