NetSupport Radio

Five in five: 5 tips for engaging parents in primary schools

Al Kingsley chats to Kat Cauchi

Kat Cauchi (ReallySchool Product Manager and a former primary school teacher at Dogsthorpe Infant School) features on NetSupport Radio’s Five in Five – where education sector experts share their five hints or tips on a chosen topic. 

Kat discusses with Al Kingsley her five tips for engaging parents in primary schools and recommends:

  1. Using technology to your advantage when keeping busy parents in the loop about their child’s learning
  2. Making a list of which student’s parents you want to connect with at the start of term (making it easier to continue throughout the rest of the year)
  3. Greeting students and parents in the mornings to give parents an opportunity to see you 
  4. Calling out reminders for things children need to tell their parents about (as a back-up to slips that can and do get lost)
  5. Having difficult conversations face to face to allow parents to respond directly and work on the issue together. 

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