NetSupport Radio

Five in Five: 5 tips for keeping data safe with Tony Sheppard

Al Kingsley chats to Tony Sheppard

Tony Sheppard (Head of Services at GDPR in Schools) features on NetSupport Radio’s Five in Five – where education sector experts share their five hints or tips on a chosen topic.

Tony discusses with Al Kingsley his five tips for keeping data safe:

  1. Know who is responsible for data protection
  2. Be clear on what should or should not be on show at parents’ evenings 
  3. Identify who can be the school’s DPO – all schools need one and they must be independent without any conflict of interest
  4. Be aware of the data that your school has - and the tools that can help you protect and manage it.
  5. Understand what counts as a data breach – and the golden rules around what to do if you think your school has one.