NetSupport Radio

Tip Top Tips Edu: Paul Tullock - Effective use of technology in the classroom

NetSupport Season 1 Episode 14

Welcome to another episode of #TipTopTipsEdu! 

 In this episode, we talk with Apple Distinguished Educator and Apple Professional Learning Specialist, Paul Tullock. A former Primary educator, Paul has led on digital learning in his schools, supported many beyond his school walls and is known on social media for his great sharing, ideas and community building amongst educators who use Apple products in their classrooms. Now working with Jigsaw24, Paul is a passionate advocate for accessible learning and pedagogically informed approaches to using technology in the classroom. 

A passionate advocate for impactful approaches and leaving gimmicky tools at the door, in this episode Paul shares many great hints, tips and impressive ideas for the effective use of technology in the classroom.
In the episode, Paul responded to the following questions and shared some great approaches. Here are the questions I asked Paul: 

Teacher confidence has always been a big issue for tech adoption, what strategies have you found useful for supporting teachers?

  1. If it’s quick wins and tips for use, what TipTopTipsEdu have you got for those teachers lacking confidence to help them with teaching and learning?
  2. Accessibility to learning is a big issue for students and teachers - what tips have you got for helping teachers to make resources more accessible?
  3. Engagement is a poor proxy for learning but as we’ve seen the last 12 months, it is key that learners are engaged in the learning process - what tips have you got using technology that can help to engage pupils in their learning?
  4. Do you have any further tips for teachers that you haven’t shared yet that viewers might find useful?
  5. Bonus question - if we had an edtech Room 101, what would you put in there?! 

Paul shared a wide variety of tools and resources in his responses. Here are some of those that he mentioned:

 Apple Clips

Microsoft Office Lens

This Girl Reads (podcast)


Anchor FM

 You can follow Paul on social media at @MrTullock.

Also be sure to check out the episode on Youtube.